
2008 Draft Order Selection Process

Honored Members of the Pinecrest League:

We have the draft order.  As earlier detailed, Thad was the winner of the 
consolation bracket, and chose to draft first.

Things have been somewhat chaotic in Chico and Sacramento, and quite honestly, 
the draft order had suffered on the priority lists.  The last few years had 
seen various algorithms to generate randomness, including web pages, the weather, 
and drawing names out of a hat.  The two-man draft order party had also included 
generous helpings of beer.

This year, time constraints made beer drinking over the internet over the course 
of an hour difficult.  What might be a good substitute vice and method that would 
still be random?

The answer was obvious: attractive female coworkers!

Kevin gave Jessica a list of numbers from 1 through 11.  I gave Jaime 11 cards 
with the initials of all the non-Thad players on them.  Each was instructed to 
order their items in whatever way they wanted, and then to simultaneously email 
those lists to me and Kevin.

At 2:34 today, the lists went out.  Kevin called me to let me know “Uh, there 
are two EJ’s.”  Oops.  We sprang into action and deputized Intern Alex 
(not pictured) to flip a coin to decide which EJ would become an MJ.  
He did so admirably.

Without further ado, the Draft Order for the 2008-2009 Pinecrest Fantasy Football League:

Kevin G 
Mike J
Kevin K 
Michael M 

As usual, we’ll have a chat room set up.  Draft hard!